Luckily, macOS software provides multiple data transfer methods and you can choose from Time Machine, Migration Assistant or the Cloning method to safely transfer data to new SSD Drive. The main concern when it comes to upgrading Mac to SSD drive is the possibility of data being lost and how to safely transfer data to New SSD Drive on Mac. When finished, the drive will be formatted and repartitioned successfully. Enter a Name for your drive Choose exFAT or MS-DOS (FAT) for the format Choose Master Boot Record for the Scheme Click Erase 5.
Choose how you would like to format the drive. Select the upper level of the drive you would like to format and click the Erase button. Click on the 'Erase' button to confirm your choice and wait as the SSD drive would be formatted. As the following pop-up window would be launched, you can select the file format and the partition scheme for the drive.